Spiritual Life Resources
Resources to strengthen your walk
Healing Ministry
Healing prayer is a targeted prayer session that facilitates an encounter with God to address wounds that are affecting your thoughts, behavior, relationships, and/or physical health. The goal is to heal wounds and to apply God’s truth. Healing encompasses every sort of disease, bondage, mindset, and trauma as we believe God not only heals us physically, but also emotionally and spiritually.
Sign Up For a Prayer Time
Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer need that you would like our intercessory prayer team to pray for, you may complete the form below and we will place your request on our emailed prayer list. The information submitted on this form will be shared with our intercessory prayer team. By filling out this form, you acknowledge your consent for any information you give to be shared with the intercessors and you acknowledge that it will not be kept confidential.
Prayer Request