Kingdom Builders
Resourcing the advancement of the Kingdom of God in Greater Lafayette and around the world
Providing resources to fulfill God's vision.
What is Kingdom Builders?
Kingdom Builders are a group of fully committed individuals and families who prayerfully commit to give, over and above their tithes, to an on-going program.
The purpose is to provide resources to fulfill the vision God has put on the hearts of the leadership of Connection Point Church, which is all about building His Kingdom. Kingdom Builders covers initiatives in projects around the world, here in the United States, and in Greater Lafayette. Additionally, Kingdom Builders resources Connection Point Church in improving our property and making it more and more useful for ministry needs. Our heart is to fulfill Jesus’ command to be witnesses first in our Jerusalem (Greater Lafayette), all the way to the end of the earth. Every dollar given to Kingdom Builders makes a difference somewhere in the world.
2024 Kingdom Builders Initiatives
View the 2024 Kingdom Builders Magazine
- Prayerfully consider what the Lord would have you/your family give.
- Identify any projects or initiatives which particularly interest you. Pray for these projects. Consider fully underwriting an entire project through a designated gift.
- Begin giving regularly, above and beyond your tithe, to all Kingdom Builders initiatives through monthly, sacrificial giving.
- Give to particular projects and initiatives in monthly Kingdom Builders emphasis special offerings.
- Look for exciting updates throughout the course of the year of how Connection Point is impacting the Kingdom of God here in Greater Lafayette and around the world.
- Participate in our annual Kingdom Builders Conference each fall. We will celebrate what God has done and press on towards what He has next for our Kingdom Builder efforts.
For more information or to become a Kingdom Builder, contact Pastor Jeff , Deann Dalton, or Michael Ivy for financial info