
Growing up, I always knew my home church was something special. I’ve often wondered if Calvary Church was a historical anomaly—a unique gathering of people in a specific time and place. Could something so remarkable really be random? I don’t think so. I believe churches like Calvary are strategically and intentionally created.

This church had everything we long for in the churches we lead and serve. If I had to sum it up in one word, it would be UN-common.

Common vs. UN-common

“Common” means familiar, ordinary, routine. It’s everywhere. Sadly, many churches—and lives—settle into common patterns. But I don’t believe Jesus called us to be common.

We are called to be UN-common:

  • Out of the ordinary

  • Remarkable

  • Distinctive

  • Inspiring

UN-common doesn’t mean weird or off-putting. Instead, it’s attractive, dynamic, and filled with purpose. We don’t apologize for being UN-common—we embrace it.

The UN-common Calling of Connection Point Church

Connection Point is the first church I’ve been a part of since Calvary that exhibits the same UN-common characteristics. I’ve identified five traits from my home church that I believe CPC can lean into even more in the months and years ahead.

1. UN-common Spirituality

At Calvary, people got saved—every single week. Messages in tongues, prophecies, and miracles were common, yet always done decently and in order. Worship was authentic and passionate. Lives were transformed, marriages restored, and physical healings occurred regularly.

The key? Private spiritual disciplines fueled public spirituality.
What we lived privately showed up in our services, and that made all the difference.

I see these same characteristics emerging at CPC. Some are already flourishing; others are just beginning. It’s inspiring, and I’m excited to see where God takes us.

2. UN-common Community

True community is unmistakable. At Calvary, it was so strong that even decades later, when people from the church come together, it’s as though no time has passed. There was genuine care and concern for one another—a living example of Jesus’ command to “love one another as I have loved you.”

At CPC, Amy and I have experienced that same spirit of love and care. It’s wonderful to witness, but we can’t stop here. Let’s enlarge our circle.

  • Pull in new people.

  • Make sure no one stands alone.

  • Show everyone they belong.

There’s a place for everyone at CPC to experience the body of Christ.

3. UN-common Servanthood

At Calvary, serving wasn’t optional—nearly everyone was involved. From nursery workers to Royal Ranger commanders, people gave their time and talents to build the Kingdom of God.

Today, church culture has taken a hit, and many churches struggle to find volunteers. CPC is no exception, but we’re moving in the right direction. We have some incredible servant leaders, but we need more. It’s time for more people to get on the field and into the game.

Serving together isn’t just about filling roles; it’s about building relationships and living out the love of Christ.

4. UN-common Missions

At Calvary, missions were in our DNA. We supported missionaries, partnered in spreading the Gospel worldwide, and emphasized missions in everything we did. This focus had a powerful by-product: people from our church were called into ministry.

CPC shares this legacy and continues to advance in missions. Churches that prioritize local, national, and international missions experience the favor of God. I believe CPC will send out ministers and missionaries from our own ranks in the future.

Let’s keep building on this foundation and make missions a core part of who we are.

5. UN-common Leadership

Leadership matters. At Calvary, the leaders weren’t perfect, but they were teachable, humble, and committed to growth. They prayed, fasted, and led with boldness and integrity.

CPC has similarly UN-common leadership. From our pastoral staff to our Deacons and volunteers, we are blessed with leaders who serve faithfully. But we need more. We’re always looking for people called by God to step up and lead. Could that be you?

Building a Lasting Legacy

UN-common churches leave a lasting impact. They create a spiritual legacy that others can follow. So, CPC, let’s commit to being UN-common in every way:

  • Let’s make our spirituality dynamic and life-changing.

  • Let’s build a community where no one stands alone.

  • Let’s create a culture of servanthood that brings people together.

  • Let’s emphasize missions like never before.

  • Let’s raise up leaders who boldly advance the Church.

I can’t wait to see what future generations will say about how UN-common CPC became. Let’s go!


The Power of Multiplication


An Incredible Journey