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Join the Mission

Joining a mission trip or opportunity offers a transformative way to deepen faith, serve others, and create lasting connections while advancing God's Kingdom.



What is Kingdom Builders?

Kingdom Builders are a group of fully committed individuals and families who prayerfully commit to give, over and above their tithes, to an on-going program.

The purpose is to provide resources to fulfill the vision God has put on the hearts of the leadership of Connection Point Church, which is all about building His Kingdom. Kingdom Builders covers initiatives in projects around the world, here in the United States, and in Greater Lafayette. Additionally, Kingdom Builders resources Connection Point Church in improving our property and making it more and more useful for ministry needs. Our heart is to fulfill Jesus’ command to be witnesses first in our Jerusalem (Greater Lafayette), all the way to the end of the earth. Every dollar given to Kingdom Builders makes a difference somewhere in the world.

Letter From The Missions Council

At the end of 2023 my husband and I had the privilege of spending a month in India. We toured from Bangalore (south) to Kolkata and Delhi (north); from Chennai (east) to Kerala (west). It was a trip of a lifetime! We saw more of India than most Indians and the contrasts were stark!

The darkness of a Hindu temple contrasted with the joy of worshiping with thousands of believers on a Sunday morning. Watching men transport a funeral bier through traffic to cremation mounds along the Yamuna river which is directly behind the stunning Taj Mahal. Beautifully dressed women riding on scooters through the filthy, chaotic Indian roadways. Delicious meals in abundance but DON’T drink the water! Darkness and light…lostness and hope…beauty and ugliness.

It can be heart crushing to see that so many in India have never heard the name Jesus. The lostness in India is only a small sample of the work yet to be accomplished to make His Name known in all nations. I challenge you to be part of this work! Pray. Give. Go. 2025 will afford many opportunities to pray, give and go. Attend our Global Prayer Events to pray for the nations. Give into God’s mission through Kingdom Builders. Step out in faith and GO. I will be taking a small group back to India in March. A trip to Cambodia is scheduled this year. And closer to home, you can get involved with the Purdue International Friendship program to personally connect with students from across the world. I challenge you to get involved some way, somehow! You may change a life…and it may be your own!

Deann Dalton

CPC Missions Director

Psalms 22:27

“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him.”


Monthly Global Partner Support

CPC financially supports over 105 global and local missionaries in 45 countries every month.

Pakistan Church Planting/Pastor’s Conference

CPC will partner with missionaries and consultants in the four regions of Pakistan to host a crusade and equipping pastor’s and church planters conference. These funds will help cover expenses for the crusade and to train over 10,000 pastors across the country in church health, strength, and growth.

International Pastoral Training

In partnership with Church Life Resources, CPC will participate in training pastors for ministry and advancement in their local context. These funds help facilitate conferences and cover expenses to send trainers to these places.

Convoy of Hope

CPC partners with Convoy of Hope to provide help and hope through disaster response, children’s feeding initiatives, and community outreach.

Speed The Light

Funds, raised and given exclusively by CPC youth, purchase vehicles, audio/visual equipment, and things like this for missionaries serving in foreign fields.

Boys & Girls Missionary Crusade (BGMC)

Funds, raised and given exclusively by CPC children, provide curriculum and printed materials for missionaries to use for ministry around the world.

Regional Projects

Europe | UK Unreached People Groups for Church Planting

Northern Asia | Cambodia Children’s Center Mission’s Team Projects

Africa | Live|Dead Training Center in Mombasa, Kenya

Asia Pacific | Asia Pacific Media

Eurasia | Shahan Teberian - Printing Bibles for Armenians

Latin America | Training and Resource Center, Panama

Urban Tribes Africa

Urban Tribes plants new churches in the urban centers on the continent of Africa. These funds will be given to needs for these new church plants as they arise.

Live Dead Training Center

Funds are allocated to a Live Dead training center somewhere in the world to help them train missionaries to reach unreached people groups.

Dutch Islands Pastor’s Conference

CPC will partner with missionaries and churches to conduct the first ever General Council of the Dutch Islands. Pastors will come from Aruba, Saint Maarten, Curacao and other places to be trained, grow, and find strength in leading their churches into multiplication.


Monthly Local Partner Support

CPC financially supports over 105 global and local missionaries in 45 countries every month.

CPC Food Pantry

CPC food pantry serves dozens of families every week. Funds given here purchase the food and provide all the logistical necessitates to serve our friends in need.

Trinity Missions

CPC supports this local, 12-month residency ministry for addicted men to find transformation and healing through the power of Biblical Community.

Lafayette Urban Ministry

LUM serves as s coalition of 45 local churches providing a safety-net of essential needs for families of Greater Lafayette.

Bravely Women’s Health

CPC supports the local ministry of Bravely Women’s Health which provides many health services for women including support for pregnant women choosing life for their unborn children.

Gifts of Grace Adoption Agency

Connecting expecting moms to adoptive families, CPC supports this local adoption agency in answering the call of James 1:27.

Car Seat Ministry

CPC led member ministry fills a gap to serve families of young children in need of an approved car seat including correct installation and usage.

Recovery Café & Ministries

CPC member led ministry supporting those working to overcome addiction. Bible studies, celebrations, and helping support those recently released or soon to be released from jail is the main thrust of this ministry.

West Lafayette School Support

CPC supports and loves our local schools, administration, and staff by annually providing a “Thank You” lunch for these wonderful servants to our community.

Awaken The Dream Productions

CPC member led ministry invading the space of the film industry with the light of the Gospel.

Jubilee/Christmas Initiative

Partnering with Lafayette Urban Ministry, CPC will provide Christmas support for 50+ families with 140+ children in 2024. This includes buying gifts, helping parents fill stockings, wrap gifts and give a wonderful Christmas to their children.

Mega Sports Camp

CPC provides this incredible outreach to our community each June with more than 300 children taking part in this 1st – 5th grade ministry using sports to present the Gospel.

International Friendships, Inc.

International students often struggle with culture shock, stress, and loneliness when leaving their homes to study in the US. International Friendships, Inc. (IFI) is a national organization partnering with local churches, universities, and volunteers to provide life-changing hospitality and friendship to international students. We work strategically to make the world feel at home and extend God’s love globally — right where we are here at Purdue University.

Linda Seiler Ministries

Linda Seiler is the premier voice ministering hope, healing, and transformation to the LGBTQ+ community around the country. LSM also equips churches and leaders to tackle the tough questions facing generations of people today.

Life 4 Refugees

L4R assists new, incoming refugees to Indiana, in settling in their new home. L4R meets these families at the airport, helps them set up their apartment, navigates language barriers, and assists refugees in securing employment.

Bringing Good News

CPC en Español Lafayette

2024 witnessed the launch of CPC en Espanol in West Lafayette. As this new church gets up and running, we have our sights set on launching a 2nd Spanish speaking campus in Lafayette.

MISC Mission’s Opportunities

We will anticipate opportunities throughout the year to answer the call of our missionaries in the US and abroad. We will be flexible with this margin and say YES when it matters the most.

High School Seniors Mission’s Trip - TBD

Pastor Hawk & Abigail Pusey will lead our graduating High School seniors on this providential trip as our next generation is exposed to the realities of unreached people, different cultures, and the missionary life.

CPC @ Romney Meadows

We are serving well over 120 people every week since launching this important ministry in 2024. Most of these funds will go to providing the groceries to cook the meals we serve to our guests.

Cambodia Mission’s Team

Pastor Narron Sloan will lead a team to the Children’s orphanage ministry in Cambodia in August 2025. This team will tackle landscaping projects at the ministry’s new facilities, as well as minister in a variety of ways to the orphans this ministry is serving.

India Mission Team – Kolkata

Deann Dalton will lead this trip with a stop in Dubai to visit the India/South Asia Launch Team before heading to Kolkata, India where they will minister with our Global Partners working there among the Muslim population.

TCK Children’s Mission Team – TBD

We plan to serve and minister to the children of our missionaries at the annual conference/retreat for this important region.

And how will anyone go and tell them without being sent? That is why the Scriptures say, “How beautiful are the feet of messengers who bring Good News!”

– Romans 10:15


Investing in the lives of the next generation.

Purdue & Ivy Tech Chi Alpha

CPC strongly supports Chi Alpha, the ministry of the Assemblies of God to college Campuses. Funds given will support and enhance the Purdue University and Ivy Tech arms of Chi Alpha.

Next Gen Mission’s Scholarships

These funds will be used to assist youth or college students in special opportunities to experience ministry or missions, attend relevant conferences, or discover their life’s calling from God.

Training and Investments

Sending our youth and children’s leaders to the annual Indiana District Conference, equipping new next gen leaders with opportunity to train, etc are where these dollars will be invested.

Kids & Youth Scholarships

CPC desires for EVERY elementary and high school student to be able to attend youth Winter Retreat every February, Youth/Kid’s Camp at Lake Placid each summer, and Youth Convention every November. These scholarships help offset the cost for families in need of assistance in sending their students to these events of spiritual formation.

Ministry Training Scholarships

CPC has many students attending Indiana School of Ministry and/or enrolled in Bible College to prepare for ministry. Funds given here will provide needed scholarships for students to participate in these opportunities.

42% of the world’s population will be born, live, and die without ever meeting a Christian let alone hear the good news of the Gospel.


2025 Giving Percentages

Global Missions | 27%

Local Missions | 28%

Bringing Good News | 34%

NextGen Investment | 11%

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